Sexual Assault Lawyer Provo, UT

The state of Utah takes sexual assault charges very seriously, offering survivors legal protections and avenues to make their voices heard. While a criminal conviction against your assailant or a settlement award for your losses cannot undo what happened to you, speaking out and demanding justice can help give you a sense of closure and relief so you can turn to your future with confidence.

Many survivors, though, may be reluctant to come forward. The idea of speaking about the abuse you suffered in court may be overwhelming, or the perpetrator may be trying to intimidate you and keep you from disclosing the assault. Strong support and solid legal advice are crucial – let the legal team at Pacific Legal Group advocate for you and stand up for your rights. We can protect you through the legal process, whatever avenue you choose, and advise you of your rights. We believe you and want to fight for justice on your behalf. Contact us today for a personal consultation with a Provo, UT, sexual assault lawyer from our firm.

How Can A Provo Sexual Assault Lawyer Help Me?

Anyone can be a victim of sexual assault. No matter your age, gender, or specific situation, our legal team is on your side. We protect you, shield you during the legal process, and advise you of your rights and options so you can make the best choices for yourself and your family. Whether you’re involved in criminal proceedings against the party that assaulted you or you wish to pursue fair compensatory damages for the medical care (both physical and mental) and other losses stemming from the assault, we can help you.

Protecting Your Rights And Making Your Voice Heard

Many sexual assault survivors are beginning to feel safer coming forward with allegations against the persons and institutions who harmed them, but the problems for survivors may be far from over. It’s natural to feel like no one will believe you or fear repercussions for your family, relationships, career, or even where you live.

It’s ok if you aren’t comfortable pursuing immediate legal action. Your first step in speaking with one of our sexual assault attorneys is to learn what your rights are and what legal options are available. The choice is always yours; we provide balanced advice based on Utah and federal statutes and case law so you have the information you need to take the next steps. You may be eligible to file a civil suit against the perpetrator who committed the assault; in some cases, an institution, like a church, sports team, or scouting club, or your employer may have protected the assailant or should have known that the environment was dangerous. We may also hold these entities accountable for their failure to preserve your safety.

Legal Help After A Sexual Assault

If you are a victim of sexual assault, we know that speaking up is the most important first step. You are brave, and more importantly, you are believed. At Pacific Legal Group, we advocate for sexual assault victims, pursuing justice in criminal and civil courts. You have many legal options available to you, from filing charges to demanding fair compensation for your trauma and other losses. We help you explore these in a confidential consultation with a Provo sexual assault lawyer. Call us today.